Tenzion Design | Print design | Stationary | Photography
General Terms and Conditions (GTC) of Tenzion Design
1 General
1.1. The following Terms and Conditions apply exclusively to all contracts for services between Tenzion and the client. This is particularly true if the client and Terms used include those which contradict or deviate from the Terms and Conditions listed here.
1.2. The Terms and Conditions listed here also apply if the order Tenzion without reservation in knowledge of contrary or any of the matters here deviating conditions of the client.
1.3. Deviations from the conditions listed above are valid only with the express written consent of Tenzion.
Second Contract, Copyright and rights
2.1. Each order is issued to Tenzion a copyright contract, which is directed to the granting of rights to use the Services. The review of the legality of the work of competitive Tenzion is not the subject of the contract. It also includes non-examination of the mark or other protection laws eligibility for or utility of the work of Tenzion. Appropriate research are the responsibility of the customer.
2.2. All designs, artwork and created Tenzion light images are subject to copyright laws. The provisions of this Act shall apply between the parties, even if the necessary conditions for protection, such as the so-called level of creativity, in an individual case should not be given. So that in particular the copyright contract law rules in § § 31 et seq in such a case the Copyright Act, in addition, the parties are entitled to particular rights claims under § § 97 et seq Copyright Act2.3..
The designs, artwork and photographs may not without the express consent of Tenzion neither the original nor be changed in the reproduction or passed on to third parties. Any imitation - in parts - is forbidden. A violation of this Section 2.3. Clauses 1 and 2 entitled Tenzion, a penalty equal to 100 percent of the agreed fee in addition to the already remuneration to be paid to demand.
2.4. Tenzion grants the client the required rights of use for the particular purpose. Unless otherwise agreed, only the simple right of use is granted to each. A transfer of rights of use to third parties without the written agreement. The rights go only after full payment of compensation to the Client.
2.5. Tenzion is to call on the copies as the author. A violation of this provision Tenzion entitled to claim a contractual penalty in the amount of 100 percent of the agreed fee in addition to the remuneration to be paid anyway.
2.6. Suggestions or employees of the client or its employees have no influence on the amount of compensation. You shall not co-copyright.
2.7. The designs, artwork and photographs may only be used for the agreed scope of use (time, space and content). Any use beyond the agreed scope of use (time, space and content) is not permitted and Tenzion entitled to claim a contractual penalty in the amount of 100 percent of the agreed fee for this extended use in addition to the remuneration to be paid anyway. The negatives of the photographs remain with Tenzion. A publication of the negatives to the client occurs only at a separate written agreement.
3 Remuneration
3.1. Drafts and final drawings constitute a single service along with the granting of rights. According to the small business regulation § 19, the allowances are tax-free. For the production of light images, a fee will be charged an hourly rate, daily rate or fee agreed.
3.2. No rights are granted and delivered only designs and / or artwork,eliminates the remuneration for the
3.3use..The production of drafts and all other activities performed Tenzion for the customer, are chargeable, unless expressly agreed otherwise.
4 Due date for payment, acceptance, default
4.1. Payment is due 50 percent of total compensation has been provided and to 50 percent in delivery of the work. It is payable immediately without deduction. Requires the application of Tenzion financial advances, such payments in the full amount of inputs are to be paid.
4.2. Acceptance may not be refused for creative and artistic reasons. Under the contract, there is freedom.
4.3. Overdue invoices are payable within 14 days without deduction. The client is in default if he fails to pay overdue bills within 30 days after receipt of an invoice or equivalent request. Tenzion reserves the right to effect such default issue a demand by the due date reminder to an earlier time.
4.4. Until full payment of the purchase price of the goods supplied drafts, drawings and photographs remain the property of the photographer.
4.5. In default of payment may require Tenzion pa interest at the rate of eight per cent above the base rate of the European Central Bank. The assertion of a proven higher damages.
5 Special services, ancillary and travel costs
5.1. The design work on offer include two Korrektur-/Änderungsschleifen. Each additional is charged at cost. Special services such as the revision or amendment of final drawings, manuscripts or supervision of printing will be charged separately according to time.
5.2. Tenzion is entitled, after prior consultation with the customer to order the necessary order fulfillment third-party services in the name and for the account of the client. The Client undertakes to provide Tenzion power of attorney.
5.3. As far as contracts for outside services in the name and for the account of Tenzion be completed in a particular case, the clientrequired Tenzion internally from all liabilities it may incur arising out of the
5.4contract..Expenses for technical costs, especially for special materials for the fabrication of models, photos, progress records, Reproductions, typesetting and printing, etc. are to be reimbursed by the client.
5.5. Travel expenses for trips taken in connection with the contract and are agreed with the client, shall be reimbursed by the client.
6 Ownership of designs and data
6.1. To drafts, final drawings and photographs only use rights are granted, but do not transfer the property.
6.2. The originals are returned undamaged Tenzion after a reasonable period, unless otherwise agreed in writing. In case of damage or loss of the customer must reimburse the costs that are necessary to restore the originals. The right to claim further damages remains unaffected.
6.3. Also arising in performance of the contract data and files remain the property of Tenzion. This is not obligated to release data and files to the client. If the client wishes their surrender, this must be agreed and paid for.
6.4. Tenzion the client has provided information and files, this may only be amended with the prior approval of Tenzion.
6.5. The sending of all mentioned in paragraph 6.1 to 6.4 items shall be at the risk and expense of the customer.
7 Correction, production monitoring, sample copies and self-promotion
7.1. Before performing the reproduction Tenzion correction pattern is required.
7.2. The production monitoring by Tenzion is by special arrangement only. When taking over the production control Tenzion is entitled to take the necessary decisions in its sole discretion and to give appropriate instructions.
7.3. Of all the reproduced work on the client Tenzion gratuitously ten flawless copies. Tenzion is entitled to use these patterns and all costs arising from the contract work for the purpose of self-promotion in all media and to inform the remainder of the action for the client.
8 Liability
8.1. Tenzion liable for damages, for example, has been provided to him Templates, films, displays, layouts, etc., in case of intent and gross negligence, except for damages arising from injury to life, body or health, for such damage Tenzion for slight negligence. In addition, he is only liable for slight negligence if an obligation is violated, the fulfillment of the purpose of the contract is of particular importance.
8.2. For orders that are granted to third parties in the name and on behalf of the client, the Tenzion assumes no liability to the Client. Tenzion occurs in these cases only as an agent.
8.3. With the release of draft or final drawings by the contracting authority that will be responsible for the technical and functional proper accounting of product, text and image.
8.4. Any liability of Tenzion.does not apply to such extent shared by the client drafts or final
8.5drawings.Complaints relating to shortcomings are to be filed within 14 days after delivery of the work at Tenzion law. The revocation period is sufficient to send the complaint.
9 Freedom of design, implementation of contract and Templates
9.1. Under the contract, there is freedom. Complaints regarding artistic are excluded. If the customer during or after production, so he has to bear the resultant additional costs.
9.2. Delays the execution of the contract for reasons for which the customer is responsible, so Tenzion may require an appropriate increase in compensation. In case of intent or gross negligence, he can also make claims for compensation. The assertion of further damages remains unaffected.
9.3. The Customer warrants that he is authorized to use all passed to Tenzion templates. Should he not be entitled to use against this insurance, the client Tenzion from all third party claims free
10.Data Protection
10.1. Required for business transactions, personal data of the customer can be stored. Tenzion committed to treat all known to him under the contract confidential information
11.Digital Photography
11.1. The digitization, storage and reproduction of photographs of Tenzion on data media of any type without the prior written consent of Tenzion.
11.2. The transfer of rights does not include the right to store or reproduce if this right was not expressly delegated to
12.Image processing
12.1. The processing of photographs of Tenzion and their reproduction and distribution, analog or digital, requires the prior consent of Tenzion. Created using photo composing, mounting or other electronic manipulation a new work, this has to be marked. The authorship of the works used and the author of the new work are co-authors within the meaning of § 8UrhG.
12.2. The client is obliged to store digital photographs of the photographer and copy so that the name of Tenzion with the image data is electronically linked.
12.3. The client is obliged to electronic link be such that it remains in any type of data transmission in each reproduction on screens, in all types of projections, especially when any public, receive and Tenzionasauthor
is clearly and unambiguously identifiedtheof Images .
12.4. The Customer warrants that he is entitled to appoint Tenzion with the electronic processing of external light images when he issued such an order. It provides Tenzion of all third party claims based on the breach of that duty
13.Use and dissemination of photographs
13.1. The distribution of photographs from Tenzion the Internet and in intranets, online databases, in electronic archives, which are intended not only for the internal use of the client on diskette, CD-ROM or similar media is only due to a special agreement between Tenzion the client allows.
13.2. The transfer of digitized photographs on the Internet and intranets, and media and devices thatfor reproduction on screens or for the production of soft and
are suitablehard copies, without the prior written consent of Tenzion.
14th Contract
14.1. Should the client terminate the contract prematurely Tenzion receive the agreed remuneration, must however deduct expenses saved or carried out or malicious failure to make replacement orders (§ 649 BGB). The parties agree to a lump sum of services provided up to the termination of services and expenses as follows: in case of termination before starting work 10 percent of the agreed remuneration. In addition, different individual agreements are possible. The Client is the evidence actually lower performance or higher costs reserved.
15th Final Provisions
15.1. Provided the customer is a merchant, performance and jurisdiction is the seat of Tenzion; Stuttgart
15.2..The law of the Federal Republic of Germany.
Terms and Conditions (Terms and Conditions) of Tenzion Design / car Wrapping, Window Vinyl applications and Wrapping in all forms.
1 General
1.1. The following Terms and Conditions apply to all contracts for services between Tenzion design and the client exclusively. This is particularly true if the client and Terms used include those which contradict or deviate from the Terms and Conditions listed here.
1.2. The Terms and Conditions listed here also apply if the order Tenzion design without reservation in the knowledge of contrary or any of the matters here deviating conditions of the client.
1.3. Deviations from the conditions listed above are valid only with the express written consent of Tenzion design
2.Prices and price calculations
2.1. The prices vonTenzion design are exclusive of VAT, unless explicitly agreed otherwise in writing beforehand. With the creation of a new price list all previously published price lists lose their validity.
2.2. For arrivals and departures, the client is responsible, unless otherwise expressly agreed.
3 Offers
3.1. Offers of Tenzion design are non-binding. A contract is
only with the written confirmation of existence or Tenzion design by providing service
4.Delivery Dates and
4.1. Tenzion of design specified delivery dates are not fixed. The fixed dates mentioned in written requests from customers for Tenzion design only exist as such if they are confirmed in writing. Otherwise, we specify completion dates are non-binding. This applies especially to weather-related outdoor jobs.
4.2. Impairment of performance based on supply difficulties of the delivery company of Tenzion design are not Kienbaum to the client, regardless of the grounds on which these are based. Loss resulting from the contractors any rights against Tenzion style.
5 Surface preparation by the client
5.1. Based on a Fahrzeugvoll-/-teilverklebungen is to provide a thoroughly cleaned vehicle, car washes laundry is the easiest to perform (No polishes / waxes). In applying polish / wax on the paint must be eliminated prior to bonding. The paint must be completely free of waxes before bonding.
5.2. Coarse and stubborn contaminants such as tar spots, insect residues, adhesive residues (especially when installing solar protection films, residues of old films, etc.) and others are to be removed by the client. Leads Tenzion design these additional activities by, this is a flat rate of 45 € / hour plus VAT. calculated.
6 Durability of the foliation / Substrates
6.1. The durability of the film depends on the nature of the substrate on which it is to be bonded. To clean, wax and polish free surfaces, the film holds usually between 5 and 10 years. A guarantee of a certain minimum durability can not be applied because the durability depends on the preliminary work of the principal. A shortened durability is also used on painted plastic parts are common. Unpainted plastic parts with silicone content can not be glued. Paint corrections after accidents or other factors generally represent in the bonding is not an obstacle if they were performed by a specialist.
6.2. Damage to surface / body parts or design stand out from the film. It is pasted no rust, silicone, wood or rubber! We coat exclusively smooth surfaces. An adhesion of the film is not guaranteed on textured plastic.
7.Schäden by foiling
7.1. For a foliation, it is not always avoidable, that the film must be cut after mounting on the paint. Tenzion design, these sections try to perform not easily visible, inconspicuous places. By cutting small scratches in the paint may occur. These are polished to remove the shelf through. In the repositioning of the foil can damage the paint (peeling of paint chips, etc.). This is due to errors in almost all cases the paint, such as improper repairs or repainted areas.
7.2. In the case of Scheibenfolierung it is possible that upon removal of the individual wires to replace the foils defogger completely or partially. A liability for the aforementioned damages can not be accepted because they are inevitable.
8 Films with structure
8.1. Films with a structure in nature (eg carbon structure) may have visual differences that can be seen especially in bonding large surfaces. Such differences are production reasons and do not constitute defects
9 Damage to plastic parts / type designations
9.1. The removal of various parts can cause additional costs. Ornamental and rubber strips attached with Kunststoffklipsen and removed before bonding can break off and need to be requested from the manufacturer. The replacement of small parts is considered to be completely normal and is a higher quality result. The cost of this part of the advertiser.
10th Folds and overlaps with the foliation
10.1. From the appearance, the foiling of a vehicle is virtually indistinguishable from a painting is, as already mentioned, not the same as a painting. Films are still in their capacity other than varnishes. Possibly. occurring wrinkles which may occur in extreme rounding of parts can be incorporated such that they catch the eye immediately, but are usually unavoidable and provide no shortage dar Beklebungen surfaces of the film widths may exceed the overlap of points required to make unproblematic.
11th Dust / air bubbles
11.1. Further, it is inevitable that can find small dust particles in the processing between film and varnish. The structure of the film, however, it is so that they are no longer visible within the following two weeks after bonding, they disappear almost entirely in the nature of the film. The same behavior occurs with any resulting air bubbles, which are normal in processing. With wet bonding resulting "water bubbles" pull out completely after about 4 weeks. Lens shades are not fully realize grease and dust free. Tenzion design suggests that closer inspection of dust particles can be seen up close. This is unavoidable and is not a shortage dar Even with car wraps (full - or Teilverklebungen) dust inclusions between the film and substrate are possible and are no cause for complaint
12.Problematic points / granny / Extras required by assembly-disassembly work
12.1. Through the installation of technical security elements such as side airbags and other devices electronically recorded in the vehicle disassembly for the bonding of the film is sometimes difficult and requires the involvement of skilled staff a workshop. For disassembly and subsequent assembly of these parts, the client is responsible, unless something else has been agreed. If this does not work from Auftragger are desired, certain restrictions are acceptable. The film can not be processed in one piece, but in this case is bonded with a so-called overlapping inserts, and the film sections are not performed on striking position. In severe depressions, mostly in shelter flaps, it is often difficult to avoid working with inserts to prevent over-stretching the film and counteract release of the film.
12.1. In areas where the elongation of the film is required, there may be changes in stretch marks, or other similar surface. This is due to the nature of film otherwise possible and quite normal.
13th Repairs / warranty
13.1. Should a warranty claim arise, the client agreed to a peer review meeting with Tenzion style. Minor flaws can be corrected relatively quickly and by appointment. In case of justified complaints Tenzion design has the right to make within a reasonable time, a new manufacture or repair. A place without the consent of Tenzion design defect removal by third release Tenzion design of any liability.
13.2. The client has to check the vehicle for collection and possible defects - immediately - show. Later complaints will not be accepted. Occurring at a later lack the defects shall immediately, but in no case later than within 2 days. In case of justified complaints defects will be corrected immediately. Since the film "works" and reached full adhesion after about 24-48 hours, we reserve the vehicles after completion of at least one more day to all the edges the next day to be reworked and blow dry again. The client is "urgent" and have without it losing its warranty claims.
14th Guarantees
14.1. On the work Tezion design allows the implied warranty of 2 years, this Garanatiespanne also applies to film. No warranty is for the life of the film taken on Kunsttoffteile (see point 6)
15th Obstacles
15.1. Case of force majeure (eg refrigeration) or other unforeseeable events is not entitled to carry. If the client despite of force majeure or other unforeseeable events on execution of the contract, Tenzion design gives no guarantee to the processing and film. Once the impediment is not given, Tenzion design efforts within a reasonable time to perform the job. Tenzion design shall not be liable for costs incurred in such cases. For indirect damages, including lost profits or claims from third parties are not liable. The principal resigns without prior written cancellation of his contract, so Tenzion design is entitled to recover without specific proof, the resulting material costs and downtime as compensation or withhold. Tenzion design usually represents 30% of the order total, but at least the material price charged.
16th Remuneration due date of payment, loss, delay
16.1. Overdue invoices are payable within 14 days without deduction. The client is in default if he fails to pay overdue bills within 30 days after receipt of an invoice or equivalent request. Tenzion Design reserves the right to effect such default issue a demand by the due date reminder to an earlier time.
16.2. Cheques and drafts are not accepted.
16.3. Deductions of any kind are excluded.
16.4. Before payment of the open account CWC is not obliged to provide further services
17.1. The customer is obliged to check the vehicles upon delivery for damage, errors and completeness. For the loss of private objects CWC shall not be liable. Obvious defects and errors promptly to report no later than 2 days after delivery. Otherwise invalidate the warranty.
17.2. The warranty claims of the customer are set to the right of rectification. When fails to correct a discount can be arranged.
17.3. Improvements by third parties without the consent of Tenzion design will void the liability.
17.4. Color variations of the film are printer and material Caused possible and are not defects.
17.5. With the modern film-coating, the client receives a new color of the car and protecting the original paint. The film is, after 6 - 8 weeks carwash. Approx. 4 weeks after pasting the car should not be cleaned with high pressure.
17.6. Claims to reduction, cancellation, compensation, loss of profit and costs do not exist.
17.7. Our guarantee does not cover the following cases: 1 Damage and exposure by force majeure. 2 Damage or defects that are due to manufacturing defects. 3 Consequential damage due to improper care and maintenance products. 4 Wear damage on average use. 5 Paint has been damaged after removal of the film at repainted cars
18.1. Tenzion liable for damages, in case of intent and gross negligence, except for damages arising from injury to life, body or health, for such damage Tenzion for slight negligence. In addition, he is only liable for slight negligence if an obligation is violated, the fulfillment of the purpose of the contract is of particular importance.
18.2. Wear-related defects are not replaced.
18.3. Tenzion Design assumes no liability for property damage, personal and property damage.
19th Privacy
19.1. The data provided by the client will be stored and processed exclusively for the execution of the contracts. The Personal Data of the client will not be shared without your explicit consent. Excluded are service partners who require the communication of the data to process your order. In these cases, restricted the transfer of data to a necessary minimum.
19.2. Tenzion design made from the photos for promotional work - and at promotional purposes, the right to contract with the client. License plates are obscured in the photos.
20th Final Provisions
20.1. Provided the customer is a merchant, performance and jurisdiction is the seat of Tenzion Design; Stuttgart, Baden-Württemberg, Germany.
20.2..The law of the Federal Republic of Germany.
1 Website Content
Tenzion Design assumes no responsibility for the timeliness, accuracy and completeness of the information provided on this website. Liability claims against Tenzion design, which refer to damages of material or immaterial nature caused by use or disuse of the presented information or by the use of faulty and incomplete information are basically excluded, provided Tenzion design is no demonstrably intentional or grossly negligent fault. All offers are not-binding and without obligation. Tenzion Design expressly reserves the right to change parts of or the entire offer without separate announcement to supplement to delete or the publication temporarily or permanently.
2 References and links
For direct or indirect references to external websites ("hyperlinks") which lie outside the responsibility of Tenzion design would occur a liability in the case in strength, in the Tenzion design of the content and it is technically possible would and reasonable to prevent the use in case of illegal contents. Tenzion Design hereby expressly declares that at the time of linking, no illegal content on the linked pages. On the current and future design, contents or authorship of the linked / connected pages Tenzion design has no influence. Therefore Tenzion Design distances itself from all contents of all linked / connected pages which were changed after the link setting. For illegal, incorrect or incomplete contents and especially for damages resulting from the use or disuse of such information lies solely with the provider of the page to which reference was made, not the one who has linked to these pages.
3 Copyright and trademark law
Tenzion Design endeavors to observe the copyrights of the images, graphics and texts used. All mentioned and possibly protected by third parties within the Internet offer brand names and trademarks are the provisions of applicable trademark law and the ownership rights of the respective registered owners. The mere mention does not imply that trademarks are not protected by third party rights! Any duplication or use of graphics and texts in this website is not permitted without the express permission of Tenzion design?
4 policy
PrivacyIf the opportunity for the input of personal or business data (email addresses, name, addresses) within the Internet offer, so the disclosure of this data by the user on an expressly voluntary basis. The use of contact data published in the imprint or comparable details like postal addresses, telephone or fax numbers and email addresses for sending unsolicited information is prohibited. Legal action against senders of spam mails in violation of this prohibition are expressly reserved.